We provide many visualization tools build on top of the Makie.jl framework for interactive visualizations.
The plotting functions generally return a tuple of (subfigure, axis, plot, observable). The observable can be used to issue a notify
call that updates the plot with the current state of the network without replotting from scratch. This is particularly useful for live simulation visualizations.
The quantum registers in the network
The registernetplot_axis
function can be used to draw a given set of registers, together with the quantum states they contain. It also provides interactive tools for inspecting the content of the registers (by hovering or clicking on the corresponding register slot). Here we give an example where we define a network and then plot it:
using GLMakie
using QuantumSavory
# create a network of qubit registers
net = RegisterNet([Register(2),Register(3),Register(2),Register(5)])
# add some states, entangle a few slots, perform some gates
initialize!(net[2,3], X₁)
initialize!((net[3,1],net[4,2]), X₁⊗Z₂)
apply!((net[2,3],net[3,1]), CNOT)
# create the plot
fig = Figure(size=(800,400))
_, ax, plt, obs = registernetplot_axis(fig[1,1],net)
The tall rectangles are registers, the gray squares are the slots of these registers, and the (connected) black diamonds denote when a slot is occupied by some subsystem (of a potentially larger) quantum state.
The visualization is capable of showing tooltips when hovering over different components of the plot, particularly valuable for debugging. Quantum observables can be directly calculated and plotted as well (through the observables
Other configuration options are available as well (the ones ending on plot
let you access the subplot objects used to create the visualization and the ones ending on backref
provide convenient inverse mapping from graphical elements to the registers or states being visualized):
(:state_coords_backref, :colormap, :observables, :register_polyplot, :observables_markersize, :clip_planes, :observables_linewidth, :slotmarker, :observables_links_backref, :state_markersize, :observables_backref, :registercoords, :register_slots_coords_backref, :state_markercolor, :state_linecolor, :colorrange, :lock_marker, :observables_marker, :slotcolor, :model, :dim_conversions, :slotsize, :observables_scatterplot, :observables_linesegmentsplot, :state_marker, :register_color, :register_backref, :state_scatterplot, :state_linesegmentsplot, :register_slots_scatterplot)
State and tag metadata in interactive visualizations
When working with interactive plots, you can also hover over different parts of the visualization to see the registers, what is stored in them, and potentially whether they contain any tagged metadata in use by simulated networking protocols.
Here is what the data panels look like. (showmetada
is used to force-show the panel, but when working interactively you simply need to hover with the cursor)

And here with some extra tag metadata.
tag!(network[2,3], :specialplace, 1, 2)
tag!(network[2,3], :otherdata, 3, 4)

The state of locks and various metadata in the network
The resourceplot_axis
function can be used to draw all locks and resources stored in a meta-graph governing a discrete event simulation. Metadata stored at the vertices is plotted as colored or grayed out dots depending on their state. Metadata stored at the edges is shown as lines.
using Graphs
using ConcurrentSim
sim = Simulation()
# add random metadata to vertices and edges of the network
for v in vertices(net)
net[v,:bool] = rand(Bool)
net[v,:resource] = Resource(sim,1)
rand(Bool) && request(net[v,:resource])
for e in edges(net)
net[e,:edge_bool] = true
net[e,:another_bool] = rand(Bool)
# plot the resources and metadata
fig = Figure(size=(700,400))
[:edge_bool,:another_bool], # list of edge metadata to plot
[:bool,:resource], # list of vertex metadata
registercoords=plt[:registercoords] # optionally, reuse register coordinates

Updating the plots
You can call notify
on the returned plot object to replot the state of the network after a change.