Full API
Autogenerated API list
— ConstantQuantumSavory.❓
— ConstantA wildcard instance for use with the tag querying functionality.
This emoji can be inputted with the \:question:
emoji shortcut, or you can simply use the ASCII alternative W
— TypeAn abstract type for the various background processes that might be inflicted upon a Register
slot, e.g. decay, dephasing, etc.
— TypeA depolarization background.
— TypeRepresents a Hamiltonian being applied for the given duration. See also NonInstantGate
— TypeA depolarization background.
— TypeRepresents an gate applied instantaneously followed by a waiting period. See also ConstantHamiltonianEvolution
— TypeA Pauli noise background.
— TypeQuantum channel for transmitting quantum states from one register to another.
Delay and background noise processes are supported.
The function put!
is used to take the contents of a RegRef
and put it in the channel. That state can can then be received by a register (after a delay) using the take!
julia> using QuantumSavory, ResumableFunctions, ConcurrentSim
julia> regA = Register(1); regB = Register(1);
julia> initialize!(regA[1], Z1);
julia> sim = Simulation();
julia> qc = QuantumChannel(sim, 10.0) # a delay of 10 units
QuantumChannel{Qubit}(Qubit(), DelayQueue{Register}(ConcurrentSim.QueueStore{Register, Int64}, 10.0), nothing)
julia> @resumable function alice_node(env, qc)
println("Putting Alice's qubit in the channel at ", now(env))
put!(qc, regA[1])
alice_node (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @resumable function bob_node(env, qc)
@yield take!(qc, regB[1])
println("Taking the qubit from alice at ", now(env))
bob_node (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @process alice_node(sim, qc); @process bob_node(sim, qc);
julia> run(sim)
Putting Alice's qubit in the channel at 0.0
Taking the qubit from alice at 10.0
julia> regA
Register with 1 slots: [ Qubit ]
— TypeAn abstract type for the various types of states that can be given to Register
slots, e.g. qubit, harmonic oscillator, etc.
— TypeSpecifies that a given register slot contains qubits.
— TypeSpecifies that a given register slot contains qumodes.
— TypeA reference to a Register
slot, convenient for use with functions like apply!
, etc.
julia> r = Register(2)
initialize!(r[1], X₁)
observable(r[1], X)
0.9999999999999998 + 0.0im
— TypeThe main data structure in QuantumSavory
, used to represent a quantum register in an arbitrary formalism.
— TypeA network of Register
s with convenient graph API as well.
— MethodConstruct a RegisterNet
from a given list of Register
s and a graph.
julia> graph = grid([2,2]) # from Graphs.jl
{4, 4} undirected simple Int64 graph
julia> registers = [Register(1), Register(2), Register(1), Register(2)]
4-element Vector{Register}:
Register with 1 slots: [ Qubit ]
Register with 2 slots: [ Qubit | Qubit ]
Register with 1 slots: [ Qubit ]
Register with 2 slots: [ Qubit | Qubit ]
julia> net = RegisterNet(graph, registers)
A network of 4 registers in a graph of 4 edges
julia> neighbors(net, 1) # from Graphs.jl
2-element Vector{Int64}:
— MethodConstruct a RegisterNet
from a given list of Register
s, defaulting to a chain topology.
julia> net = RegisterNet([Register(2), Register(4), Register(2)])
A network of 3 registers in a graph of 2 edges
julia> neighbors(net,2) # from Graphs.jl
2-element Vector{Int64}:
— TypeA background describing the T₁ decay of a two-level system.
— TypeA background describing the T₂ dephasing of a two-level system.
— TypeTags are used to represent classical metadata describing the state (or even history) of nodes and their registers. The library allows the construction of custom tags using the Tag
constructor. Currently tags are implemented as instances of a sum type and have fairly constrained structure. Most of them are constrained to contain only Symbol instances and integers.
Here is an example of such a generic tag:
julia> Tag(:sometagdescriptor, 1, 2, -3)
SymbolIntIntInt(:sometagdescriptor, 1, 2, -3)::Tag
A tag can have a custom DataType
as first argument, in which case additional customizability in printing is available. E.g. consider the [EntanglementHistory
] tag used to track how pairs were entangled before a swap happened.
julia> using QuantumSavory.ProtocolZoo: EntanglementHistory
julia> Tag(EntanglementHistory, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Was entangled to 1.2, but swapped with .5 which was entangled to 3.4
— MethodApply a given operation on the given set of register slots.
apply!([regA, regB], [slot1, slot2], Gates.CNOT)
would apply a CNOT gate on the content of the given registers at the given slots. The appropriate representation of the gate is used, depending on the formalism under which a quantum state is stored in the given registers. The Hilbert spaces of the registers are automatically joined if necessary.
— MethodDelete the given slot of the given register.
traceout!(reg, slot)
would reset (perform a partial trace) over the given subsystem. The Hilbert space of the register gets automatically shrunk.
— MethodGet a handle to a classical channel between two registers.
Usually used for sending classical messages between registers. It can be used for receiving as well, but a more convenient choice is messagebuffer
, which is a message buffer listening to all channels sending to a given destination register.
julia> net = RegisterNet([Register(2), Register(2), Register(2)]) # defaults to a chain topology
A network of 3 registers in a graph of 2 edges
julia> channel(net, 1=>2)
ConcurrentSim.DelayQueue{Tag}(ConcurrentSim.QueueStore{Tag, Int64}, 0.0)
julia> channel(net, 1=>2)
ConcurrentSim.DelayQueue{Tag}(ConcurrentSim.QueueStore{Tag, Int64}, 0.0)
julia> channel(net, 1=>2) === channel(net, net[1]=>net[2])
See also: qchannel
, messagebuffer
— MethodFind an empty unlocked slot in a given Register
julia> reg = Register(3); initialize!(reg[1], X); lock(reg[2]);
julia> findfreeslot(reg) == reg[3]
julia> lock(findfreeslot(reg));
julia> findfreeslot(reg) |> isnothing
— MethodSet the state of a given set of registers.
initialize!([regA,regB], [slot1,slot2], state)
would set the state of the given slots in the given registers to state
. state
can be any supported state representation, e.g., kets or density matrices from QuantumOptics.jl
or tableaux from QuantumClifford.jl
— Methodmessagebuffer(
) -> MessageBuffer{Tag}
Get a handle to a classical message buffer corresponding to all channels sending to a given destination register.
See also: channel
— Methodmessagebuffer(
ref::Union{RegRef, Register}
) -> MessageBuffer{Tag}
Get a handle to a classical message buffer corresponding to all channels sending to a given destination register.
See also: channel
— MethodCalculate the expectation value of a quantum observable on the given register and slot.
observable([regA, regB], [slot1, slot2], obs)
would calculate the expectation value of the obs
observable (using the appropriate formalism, depending on the state representation in the given registers).
— FunctionPerform a projective measurement on the given slot of the given register.
project_traceout!(reg, slot, [stateA, stateB])
performs a projective measurement, projecting on either stateA
or stateB
, returning the index of the subspace on which the projection happened. It assumes the list of possible states forms a basis for the Hilbert space. The Hilbert space of the register is automatically shrunk.
A basis object can be specified on its own as well, e.g. project_traceout!(reg, slot, basis)
— MethodGet a handle to a quantum channel between two registers.
julia> net = RegisterNet([Register(2), Register(2), Register(2)]) # defaults to a chain topology
A network of 3 registers in a graph of 2 edges
julia> qchannel(net, 1=>2)
QuantumChannel{Qubit}(Qubit(), ConcurrentSim.DelayQueue{Register}(ConcurrentSim.QueueStore{Register, Int64}, 0.0), nothing)
julia> qchannel(net, 1=>2) === qchannel(net, net[1]=>net[2])
See also: channel
— Methodquery(
queryargs::Union{QuantumSavory.Wildcard, Int64, DataType, Function, Symbol}...
) -> Union{Nothing, NamedTuple{(:depth, :src, :tag), <:Tuple{Int64, Any, Any}}}
You are advised to actually use querydelete!
, not query
when working with classical message buffers.
— Methodquery(
reg::Union{RegRef, Register},
queryargs::Union{QuantumSavory.Wildcard, Int64, DataType, Function, Symbol}...;
) -> Any
A query function searching for the first slot in a register that has a given tag.
Wildcards are supported (instances of Wildcard
also available as the constants W
or the emoji ❓
which can be entered as \:question:
in the REPL). Predicate functions are also supported (they have to be Int
functions). The order of query lookup can be specified in terms of FIFO or FILO and defaults to FILO if not specified. The keyword arguments locked
and assigned
can be used to check, respectively, whether the given slot is locked or whether it contains a quantum state. The keyword argument filo
can be used to specify whether the search should be done in a FIFO or FILO order, defaulting to filo=true
(i.e. a stack-like behavior).
julia> r = Register(10);
tag!(r[1], :symbol, 2, 3);
tag!(r[2], :symbol, 4, 5);
julia> query(r, :symbol, 4, 5)
(slot = Slot 2, id = 4, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 4, 5)::Tag)
julia> lock(r[1]);
julia> query(r, :symbol, 4, 5; locked=false) |> isnothing
julia> query(r, :symbol, ❓, 3)
(slot = Slot 1, id = 3, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 2, 3)::Tag)
julia> query(r, :symbol, ❓, 3; assigned=true) |> isnothing
julia> query(r, :othersym, ❓, ❓) |> isnothing
julia> tag!(r[5], Int, 4, 5);
julia> query(r, Float64, 4, 5) |> isnothing
julia> query(r, Int, 4, >(7)) |> isnothing
julia> query(r, Int, 4, <(7))
(slot = Slot 5, id = 5, tag = TypeIntInt(Int64, 4, 5)::Tag)
A query
can be on on a single slot of a register:
julia> r = Register(5);
julia> tag!(r[2], :symbol, 2, 3);
julia> query(r[2], :symbol, 2, 3)
(slot = Slot 2, id = 6, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 2, 3)::Tag)
julia> query(r[3], :symbol, 2, 3) === nothing
julia> queryall(r[2], :symbol, 2, 3)
1-element Vector{@NamedTuple{slot::RegRef, id::Int128, tag::Tag}}:
(slot = Slot 2, id = 6, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 2, 3)::Tag)
— Methodqueryall(
reg::Union{RegRef, Register},
queryargs::Union{QuantumSavory.Wildcard, Int64, DataType, Function, Symbol}...;
) -> Any
A query function that returns all slots of a register that have a given tag, with support for predicates and wildcards.
julia> r = Register(10);
tag!(r[1], :symbol, 2, 3);
tag!(r[2], :symbol, 4, 5);
julia> queryall(r, :symbol, ❓, ❓)
2-element Vector{@NamedTuple{slot::RegRef, id::Int128, tag::Tag}}:
(slot = Slot 2, id = 2, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 4, 5)::Tag)
(slot = Slot 1, id = 1, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 2, 3)::Tag)
julia> queryall(r, :symbol, ❓, >(4))
1-element Vector{@NamedTuple{slot::RegRef, id::Int128, tag::Tag}}:
(slot = Slot 2, id = 2, tag = SymbolIntInt(:symbol, 4, 5)::Tag)
julia> queryall(r, :symbol, ❓, >(5))
@NamedTuple{slot::RegRef, id::Int128, tag::Tag}[]
— Methodquerydelete!(
) -> Union{Nothing, @NamedTuple{src::Union{Nothing, Int64}, tag::T} where T}
A query
for classical message buffers that also deletes the message out of the buffer.
julia> net = RegisterNet([Register(3), Register(2)])
A network of 2 registers in a graph of 1 edges
julia> put!(channel(net, 1=>2), Tag(:my_tag));
julia> put!(channel(net, 1=>2), Tag(:another_tag, 123, 456));
julia> query(messagebuffer(net, 2), :my_tag)
julia> run(get_time_tracker(net))
julia> query(messagebuffer(net, 2), :my_tag)
(depth = 1, src = 1, tag = Symbol(:my_tag)::Tag)
julia> querydelete!(messagebuffer(net, 2), :my_tag)
@NamedTuple{src::Union{Nothing, Int64}, tag::Tag}((1, Symbol(:my_tag)::Tag))
julia> querydelete!(messagebuffer(net, 2), :my_tag) === nothing
julia> querydelete!(messagebuffer(net, 2), :another_tag, ❓, ❓)
@NamedTuple{src::Union{Nothing, Int64}, tag::Tag}((1, SymbolIntInt(:another_tag, 123, 456)::Tag))
julia> querydelete!(messagebuffer(net, 2), :another_tag, ❓, ❓) === nothing
You can also wait on a message buffer for a message to arrive before running a query:
julia> using ResumableFunctions; using ConcurrentSim;
julia> net = RegisterNet([Register(3), Register(2), Register(3)])
A network of 3 registers in a graph of 2 edges
julia> env = get_time_tracker(net);
julia> @resumable function receive_tags(env)
while true
mb = messagebuffer(net, 2)
@yield wait(mb)
msg = querydelete!(mb, :second_tag, ❓, ❓)
print("t=$(now(env)): query returns ")
if isnothing(msg)
println("$(msg.tag) received from node $(msg.src)")
receive_tags (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @resumable function send_tags(env)
@yield timeout(env, 1.0)
put!(channel(net, 1=>2), Tag(:my_tag))
@yield timeout(env, 2.0)
put!(channel(net, 3=>2), Tag(:second_tag, 123, 456))
send_tags (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @process send_tags(env);
julia> @process receive_tags(env);
julia> run(env, 10)
t=1.0: query returns nothing
t=3.0: query returns SymbolIntInt(:second_tag, 123, 456)::Tag received from node 3
— Methodquerydelete!(
reg::Union{RegRef, Register},
) -> Any
A query
for Register
or a register slot (i.e. a RegRef
) that also deletes the tag.
julia> reg = Register(3)
tag!(reg[1], :tagA, 1, 2, 3)
tag!(reg[2], :tagA, 10, 20, 30)
tag!(reg[2], :tagB, 6, 7, 8);
julia> queryall(reg, :tagA, ❓, ❓, ❓)
2-element Vector{@NamedTuple{slot::RegRef, id::Int128, tag::Tag}}:
(slot = Slot 2, id = 4, tag = SymbolIntIntInt(:tagA, 10, 20, 30)::Tag)
(slot = Slot 1, id = 3, tag = SymbolIntIntInt(:tagA, 1, 2, 3)::Tag)
julia> querydelete!(reg, :tagA, ❓, ❓, ❓)
(slot = Slot 2, id = 4, tag = SymbolIntIntInt(:tagA, 10, 20, 30)::Tag)
julia> queryall(reg, :tagA, ❓, ❓, ❓)
1-element Vector{@NamedTuple{slot::RegRef, id::Int128, tag::Tag}}:
(slot = Slot 1, id = 3, tag = SymbolIntIntInt(:tagA, 1, 2, 3)::Tag)
— FunctionDraw the given register network.
Requires a Makie backend be already imported.
— FunctionDraw the given register network on a given Makie axis.
Requires a Makie backend be already imported.
— FunctionDraw the given register network on a given Makie subfigure and modify the axis with numerous visualization enhancements.
Requires a Makie backend be already imported.
— FunctionDraw the various resources and locks stored in the given meta-graph on a given Makie axis.
Requires a Makie backend be already imported.
— MethodEnsure that the all slots of the given registers are represented by one single state object, i.e. that all the register slots are tracked in the same Hilbert space.
— MethodQuantumSavory.untag!
— Methoduntag!(
ref::Union{RegRef, Register},
) -> @NamedTuple{tag::Tag, slot::Int64, time::Float64}
Remove the tag with the given id from a RegRef
or a Register
To remove a tag based on a query, use querydelete!
See also: querydelete!
, query
, tag!
— FunctionEvolve all the states in a register to a given time, according to the various backgrounds that they might have.
julia> reg = Register(2, T1Decay(1.0))
Register with 2 slots: [ Qubit | Qubit ]
julia> initialize!(reg[1], X₁)
observable(reg[1], σᶻ)
0.0 + 0.0im
julia> uptotime!(reg[1], 10)
observable(reg[1], Z)
0.9999546000702374 + 0.0im